Awagami International Miniprint Exhibition "AIMPE" will be accepted from April 1 - June15, 2025 (Print must arrive no later than July 31, 2025). Further information shall be posted momentarily - thank you for your interest.


October 7th – November 12th
The Hall of Awa Japanese Handmade Paper (141 Kawahigashi, Yamakawa, Yoshinogawa City, Tokushima)
Inbe Art Space (116 Tateishi, Yamakawa, Yoshinogawa City, Tokushima)
Admission Fee: ¥300 / ¥200 for students, ¥150 children under 15.
Exhibition Pamphlet

Event Schedule

October 7th, 2023

2:00pm – 2:30 Opening Ceremony including Award Ceremony

3:00pm – Gallery Talk
Venue: Hall of Awa Japanese Handmade Paper - 141 Kawahigashi, Yamakawa, Yoshinogawa City, Tokushima

4:00pm – 6:00 Opening Party
Venue: Inbe Art Space - 116 Tateishi, Yamakawa, Yoshinogawa City, Tokushima

October 8th, 2023

10:30am – 12:00 Talk: The Creation of “Wind Waves in Naruto, Awa”
Contemporary Japanese Printmakers along with Mokuhanga (woodblock) publishing company, Unsodo Kyoto will present the background of this Hiroshige project and their personal accounts of working on such a unique masterpiece reprint.

1:30pm – 3:00 Printing Demo of“Wind Waves in Naruto, Awa”
A printing demonstration will be held using the newly produced woodblocks for Hiroshige’s image. Please enjoy seeing the final Ukiyo-e printmaking processes and hear explanations by the woodcarver (engraver) and master printer themselves.

AIMPE2013 was first held in 2013 to commemorate the 25th anniversary of The Hall of Awa Japanese Handmade Paper, and this year marks the sixth biennial exhibition.
This exhibition invites domestic and international artists of print expression to submit their mini-prints for consideration, and the winners will be selected through a rigorous selection process. We expect a large number of participants as an open call for entries, regardless of professional or amateur status.
All entries will be exhibited at The Hall of Awa Japanese Handmade Paper and at the "Inbe Art Space," a renovated former factory site.
We hope that by holding this exhibition under the theme of "Using Washi," we can globalize handmade washi, which is rooted in traditional Japanese culture, and by providing an opportunity for artists to present their work, we can help to further promote the use of washi in printmaking.

Symposiums and workshops are also planned during the exhibition period.


1) Artists are invited to submit their miniprints created on Japanese washi paper --- washi has recently been designated as a UNESCO intangible cultural heritage craft.

There are several varieties of washi paper made in Japan and artists are encouraged to use any type of washi paper (it does not only have to be only Awagami washi).

2) Digital (Inkjet/Giclee) prints on washi are also accepted.
3) Prize money totaling over one million yen (approx. US $10,000) + many valuable washi prizes will be awarded.

Grand Prize (1) 300,000 yen
Runner-up Prize (1) 100,000 yen
Excellence Prizes (5) 50,000 yen
Awagami Factory Prizes (3) 30,000 yen (Digital inkjet prints)
Yoshinogawa City Mayoral Prize (1) 30,000 yen
Minoru Fujimori Prize (1) 30,000 yen
Jury Prizes (several) 10,000 yen
Cranfield ink Prize $300 worth of Cranfield Printmaking Inks
Pressing Matters Prize 1 year (4 issues) subscription to Pressing Matters Printmaking magazine (+ artist feature in future issue)

4) All miniprints entered will be exhibited.

Prizewinning works will be awarded as a result of skilled multi-level jurying. These prints shall be notably exhibited in Awagami's Hall of Awa Japanese Handmade Paper Museum. All other miniprints will be exhibited in Awagami's neighboring post-industrial gallery –“Inbe Art Space”. Winning works from the previous four AIMPE exhibitions will be displayed at satellite venues around the city.

5) Registered artists will receive a free sample pack of Awagami washi papers suitable for printmaking.

(there will be no e-mail notification of shipment).
The sample pack contains several A4-sized sheets of “Awagami” washi papers. The included sheets represent a wide range of Awagami printmaking washi with various surface textures, tones and weights.


Open Entry April 1 - June 15, 2023 (Prints must arrive no later than July 31, 2023)
Jury Announcement Results will be posted on this website, and winners will be notified personally.
Exhibition October 7 - November 12, 2023
Venue The Hall Awa Japanese Handmade Paper
Kawahigashi 141, Yamakawa-cho, Yoshinogawa City, Tokushima 779-3401  [ Map ]
Host Awagami's “The Hall of Awa Japanese Handmade Paper” Museum, Inbe no Sato Regional Revitalization Executive Committee
Cooperation Yoshinogawa City Chamber of Commerce, Awa Handmade Paper Industrial Cooperative, Fuji Paper Mills Cooperative
Assistance TBA
Sponsors TBA
(not final)(names are listed in no particular order)
  Chairman Yoichi Fujimori (Director, Awagami Factory)
  Member Tomas Vu (Professor,Printmaking Columbia University)(Director,The Leroy Neiman Printmaking Center)
  Member Keisei Kobayashi (Printmaker)
  Member Mitsuru Hiraki (Professor, Printmakig Tokushima University)
  Member Hideki Kimura (Printmaker)
  Member Toshio Takeuchi (Senior Curator, Tokushima Modern Art Museum)
  Member Takashi Harai (Mayor of Yoshinogawa, Tokushima Prefecture)
  Member Hideaki Kasai (Lifestyle and Culture Department Chief, Tokushima Shimbun newspaper)
  Adviser Fumiaki Fukita (Printmaker)